Seerat Kapoor, celebrated for her striking versatility and impeccable fashion sense in Tollywood, is set to surprise audiences with her transformative new look in the much-anticipated film Jatasya Maranam Dhruvam Breaking away from her glamorous image, the actress has undergone a remarkable physical transformation, gaining 6 to 8 kilograms to fully embody her character—an everyday Indian woman whose life revolves on greater responsibilities rather than appearances.
In Jatasya Maranam Dhruvam, Seerat portrays a woman who epitomizes the strength and authenticity of Indian womanhood. Her character is defined not by external glamour but by an unwavering dedication to her professional and personal commitments. By stepping into this role, Seerat Kapoor sought to bring to life the beauty of simplicity and determination—qualities often overlooked in the glitzy realm of cinema.
Gaining weight for a role is a challenge many actors shy away from but for Seerat, it was a journey of both physical and emotional transformation. “Glamour is great but I wanted to bring authenticity to the table and have the qualities of my character- be the focal conversation on screen,” says Seerat. “This character is the story’s backbone and her strength lies in her patience and threshold to withstand what life throws at her without being tainted. She’s a solid woman who doesn’t need vanity to validate her. Her focus remains her experiences, responsibilities and loved ones. She redefines beauty in that sense; by being so comfortable and confident in her skin. All these elements combined make her beautifully relatable.”
Interestingly, the role resonated deeply with Seerat on a personal level. Like her character, she has often prioritized hard work and passion over superficial expectations. “I saw a reflection of my journey in her, specifically one experience she endeavours ” Seerat shares. “It felt natural to step into her world and the experience has been the most fulfilling of my career.”
With Jatasya Maranam Dhruvam, Seerat Kapoor promises a performance that transcends conventional on-screen portrayals, offering depth, realism and heartfelt storytelling. Her dedication to fully immersing herself in the role—both physically and emotionally—has heightened expectations for the film’s release and has set the tone right for Seerat Kapoor’s caliber as an actress.